Direct Mail Costs and Concerns

Mailers had 2 postage increases in 2021 and more on the horizon. What are some good ways for them to keep costs under control from your POV?

Morgan DiGiorgio : Well, I think it’s all about educating our clients on the value of what they’re receiving for these costs. There’s a huge misconception out there that the direct mail marketing channel is more expensive than other channels. If you actually look at #responserates of all digital channels and direct mail and actually, direct mail outperforms all digital channels combined. You have to do exponentially more digital to achieve the same response as you would with the direct mail marketing channel. So it’s not really more expensive. So there’s always going to be an increase in cost, but if you look into digital, costs per #CPMs are increasing while results are decreasing for digital as well. It’s not necessarily direct mail vs. digital anymore. I think that we’re all really moving and shifting towards omnichannel where you really should be utilizing the perfect marriage of #directmail and #digital in your marketing solution.
If you’re starting with direct mail, it should be following up with digital. You’re starting with digital, you should be following up with direct mail. They all play their part. They all have their value. It’s just about utilizing them in the right way to the right audience to get that effect.


