Your direct mail package is literally your calling card to thousands of people. No matter how many members you have or what work your organization performs, most people that you mail to will not be familiar with your group, services or programs.
The challenge in direct mail fundraising is to communicate your message in a concise yet compelling fashion. You already understand the importance of the work your organization performs, but it takes a special type of writer to make your message come alive.
Our writers are especially well-versed in Jewish matters and understand the intricacies of Jewish communal life as well as the importance of Israel to the Jewish community in the United States. You’ll never find yourself struggling to explain a Jewish concept to a Negev Direct Marketing writer.
We strongly believe in direct contact between the writer and the client. Working with Negev Direct Marketing, you will talk directly with our writers, working hand-in-hand with them as they develop your package. No more interfacing with third-party account executives.