Is Fundraising a Priority?
Does your non-profit view fundraising as one of it’s primary missions? If not, it could be time to change your priorities. This just in from Jeff Brooks on the Donor Power Blog… â€How is…
Read moreDoes your non-profit view fundraising as one of it’s primary missions? If not, it could be time to change your priorities. This just in from Jeff Brooks on the Donor Power Blog… â€How is…
Read moreI recently received what is possibly the worst email blast ever. It was from an organization calling itself the Leadership Yeshiva Academy. What you see is a headline: “A Unique Yeshiva in ISRAEL, Be…
Read moreIn a recent blog post entitled “Secret shortcut: personal vs. impersonal” Seth Godin says: “Form letters don’t work. Autographs do. Surly cashiers fail. Smiles from real people succeed. Humans like humans. They hate organizations.…
Read moreIt seems simple, so simple in fact that it may get overlooked. According to Dr. Lenkowsky, Director of Graduate Programs at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, the most importnat reason why we…
Read moreEver thought that your company or non-profit is just not big enough to be successful in today’s competitive market? Think again. Jason on Signal Vs. Noise found this great quote… If you think you…
Read moreClinton built a top-down fund-raising operation that relied on a core group of donors to write checks early on for the maximum amount, $4,600 for the primary and the general election, which left few…
Read moreImagine directly connecting your donors to those who actually benefit from their donations! CEO Matt Flannery has done Just That. Kiva the first Web site to let anyone with a PayPal account donate,…
Read moreDo you surround your market? That is: are you reaching out in every possible way to your donors or buyers? Marketing Guru Denny Hatch has written great piece on the marketing efforts of the…
Read moreChess is a great fundraising analogy. Are you only looking one move ahead or do you have the skills to see two, three or even four moves into the game? Usualy the player that…
Read moreNot yet. That’s the short answer, but not the entire answer. Marketing Guru and all-around innovative thinker, Seth Godin (see Seth’s Blog at ) thinks direct mail is dying. With all due respect…
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