The Negev is Blooming… in Hi-Tech 07/11/2016 Inspirational, Israel, Negev, web 2.0
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Negev Direct Marketing is located in the heart of the Negev Region of Israel… in Beersheva. We’ve been headquartered here for over 12 years now and in just the last 12 years our city has become something it once was not.

Beersheva use to be a place that you’d visit only if a family member were living here. Too far and disconnected from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, too hot, nothing to do, no places to stay, nothing for kids to keep busy with.

Not anymore!

In less than 12 short years, Beersheva is seeing a huge renaissance. Many new parks, new science museum, new kids museum, new fountains, new soccer stadium, new basketball stadium, new amphitheater, new roads, many new canyons (malls), new restaurants, new movie theaters, etc, etc, etc.!

Our city is not unnoticeable from what it once was, but if you ask someone who has lived here 20, 30, 40 or 50 years well, let’s just say the place has changed… for the better.

1 hour train rides in a comfortable cabins with a/c and wifi now link Beersheva to Tel Aviv. Road 6, one of the nicest road in Israel, is updated and now goes almost to the entrance of the our city direct from Tel Aviv.

So what’s the kicker? Well, we all know about Ben Gurion University and the presence of the IDF training bases in the Negev, right? If those 2 assets were underused and underappreciated before, they are not anymore!

BGU and the IDF both produce top notch tech and engineering talent. Once upon a time an officer who trained in the Negev would look elsewhere for employment and housing post-military. Same with BGU grads.

Enter the Beeersheva high-tech park and the the new IDF Negev training base!

From today’s

“Intel was the pioneer in Kiryat Gat, but now the Gav-Yam Negev Advanced Technologies Park in Beersheva is becoming a hub of entrepreneurship and technological innovation.”

“Uzi Zwebner, one of the founders of the park, says, “Anyone who said three years ago that 1,500 engineers and high-tech workers would come to work every day at the Advanced Technologies Park in Beersheva would have been thought to be hallucinating. Yet today we can say that the park is projected to house 10,000 high-tech workers within the next few years. This is a result of joint vision and complicated and determined work by the partners to the task.”

