Using Storytelling to Engage and Motivate 06/08/2009 "Need to Know" for Jewish non-profits, Direct Mail Basics
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Storytelling — “social-networking tool 1.0” — is the single most powerful communications tool organizations possess, says Andy Goodman, co-founder and director of The Goodman Center and author of the book “Storytelling as Best Practice.â€

In an NTEN webinar in April, Goodman shared tips for how organizations can tap into the power of narrative in their storytelling, noting that the whole point of narrative is to pull readers in, get them engaged and set them up to do exactly what you’re asking them to do.

“Good causes tend to have problems telling good stories,” Goodman said. “It’s not that they don’t have good stories to tell. It’s the way they tell them, burdened with data and technical jargon.”

