What email message do I write most often?

I receive so many emails and spend much of my time in the office writing to clients and vendors.

Much of our business involves problem solving. And I often find myself in the position of being thanked for something that I, or one of our staff, has done: getting a rush order out, tracking down an answer on an urgent clearance…whatever.

We try and go the extra mile to provide the best service possible and I’m sure lots of our competitors try to as well.

And when thanked, I usually find myself writing “Our pleasure to be of service”. (If i’m in a particularly good mood, I may attach one of my photographs to the email for the recipient to enjoy as well).

The reason I use that phrase so often is that I really mean it. Not just as a slogan. Or a company motto. I really do mean it.

My father was an attorney for some 40 years and when asked what he enjoyed most about practicing law he will always answer “the chance to help people who really needed it”. And he meant it.

They don’t build lawyers like that anymore.

I’ve tried to inculcate that spirit of service throughout Negev Direct: helping clients, vendors and sometimes even people who are trying to contact a rival company. And not just helping them, but understanding that helping them really is our pleasure and what makes our company special.
It truly is our pleasure to be of service.

