Jethro Tull’s 8.9.10 Jerusalem Concert 08/10/2010 Business Strategy, Fun, Fundraising Strategy, Inspirational, Israel
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Ian Anderson, founder of the famed Jethro Tull is one of the few musicians I know that has been actively touring the world for more than 40 years.

He’s just one of those guys that has found a style that worked and stuck with it.

I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the Jethro Tull concert last night in Jerusalem and was one of the lucky 400 or 500 people to enjoy a very nice mix of the old Tull and the new Tull.

“Locomotive Breath”, “Aqualung”,” Bourée” and “Nothing is Easy” were a few of the classics that the band performed.

Some new tunes were sprinkled in too such as “Hare in the Wine Cup” a tune about a rabbit that had taken up residence in Ian’s garden some time back.

Another new tune that the band played was written for Ian by Ravi Shankar’s daughter and featured the sitar.

This particular concert was also unique to me in that Ian had an accomplished local Israeli musician by the name of Shlomo Gronich play one song with the band (see the video clip in this post).  Sharing the spotlight with a popular local talent came across as a classy move and also an unselfish act as well.

Could there be any lessons to be learned from Jethro Tull for all of the Jewish non-profit and businesses out there?

I think that if  Ian Anderson’s career can teach us anything it would seem to be to this:

– Find a unique style or market and just tweak your message as necessary over the years.

– Don’t lose sight of  your larger mission and goals and change slowly to fit the new realities that every new year brings.

– If you’re an organisation that tackles worldwide issues, don’t forget to mix in a bit of local flavor as well that best suits each particular campaign you run.

BTW – Today is Ian Anderson’s 63rd birthday!

I hope you enjoy this video clip from last night’s show!


