When was the last time you issued a challenge to your donors?
Not a challenge in a adversarial way, but in a friendly “we respect you and want your input” way.
For example what if you said in your next newsletter: “The best new programming idea wins
one years free membership!” or “Be our top volunteer for the year and eat lunch on us with our Executive Director.”
Ideas like the two I mentioned would get peoples competitive juices flowing and any ti
me you raise the stakes and add incentive to produce great new ideas, good things happen.
Just look at the ultra competitive world of sports. Would LeBron James be as good as he is today if there was no Michael, Magic, Kareem or Bird before him to push him and inspire him? I kind of doubt it.
It’s no secret: Competition and reward for outstanding results simply pushes people to excel!
Here’s an example I found on the web, not non-profit related, but this company is definitely throwing out the gauntlet and challenging anyone who sees all this cash at this bus stop!
Basically what they are saying here is that: “If you can beat our products capabilities, than here’s a huge reward”. It gives them credibility and throws in an element of fun to the offer.