Jewish Holidays


Gmar Chatimah Tova From The Jewish Donor Blog 09/26/2009

Literally: A good final sealing Idiomatically: May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good “Gmar” comes from the root word that means to finish. Although it’s not biblical, it appears quite…

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“Inspire Me” Marketing 09/14/2009

Guest post from Football season is right around the corner. And you know what that means: It’s almost Rosh Hashana! And of course, my yahoo inbox is seeing a good share of Rosh…

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Invite A Chicken to The Seder 04/06/2009

That was the subject line of the email blast we recently received from Yad Eliezer. It did catch my attention. And I want to be on record as saying that I love Yad Eliezer…

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Chag Samayach! 09/24/2008

Dear Jewish Donor Blog Readers, Chag Samayach! The writers at the Jewish Donor Blog want to wish you and your family a healthy, joyful and prosperous new year! Yoav, David and Chana

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Pessach 04/13/2008

As Pessach nears we remember that we were once freed from slavery in Egypt. Let us however, not be complacent in our freedom, lest we forget that there are still many atrocities in this…

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Jewish Donor Blog: Purim Edition! 03/20/2008

It’s Purim! Chag Samayach!! In the spirit of Purim I want to include a posting that is a litle lighter than the usual hard hitting stuff that find on J.D.B.. If you are a…

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