Are Meetings Really That Necessary? 05/02/2008 "Need to Know" for Jewish non-profits, Business Strategy
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We don’t like to hold a lot of unnecessary meetings at our company.

We have always thought that most things we need to get done can be discussed informally and get done faster without a sit down, lengthy, flip chart filled meeting.
We find that our time is better spent actually working and solving the problems that are presented to us each day.
If we are ever stuck and need another perspective on anything, there is always someone to talk to and to throw an idea around with, we just prefer to not meet about anything, unless it is absolutely necessary.
I found this funny “ad” on Seth’s blog on a post he calls “Let’s skip the meeting” It’s an “ad” that we can relate to and will surely make you grin.
Next time you have a meeting, you may want to ask yourself: Is this meeting is absolutely necessary?

