6 really good reasons why you should have your list on the market

yoav@negevdirect.com 07/12/2011 "Need to Know" for Jewish non-profits, Direct Mail Basics, Tip of the Day
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Repost from The Chapman Cubine Adams and Hussey Company Blog.
Post by: Katinka Partridge.

An active and healthy acquisition program means your house list stays ‘fit’ and is likely to be sought after by other mailers.

There are many reasons why your active donor or member file should be available for exchanges and rentals with other mailers.

Here are 6 really good reasons why you should have your list on the market:

  1. LOWER LIST COSTS: You have the ability to develop exchange relationships between your organization and the lists you are using, or plan to use, in prospecting. This cuts costs for acquisition since exchanges are far cheaper than rentals.
  2. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING THROUGH RENTALS: Making your file available for rental, in addition to exchange, allows you to maintain positive relationships with core lists, even when the exchange balance gets too high(and their available list universe too low) for you to allow additional exchanges.
  3. RENTAL INCOME: Renting your list generates extra income for your organization. We recommend keeping your fundraising rates low for your fellow nonprofits, but you can be institute more aggressive pricing for commercial entities. Rental pricing for nonprofits in general is a solid two digit number ($85 per thousand, for example). But when settling on a rate for commercial mailers, you have a bit more room to work with. Aim to never have less than three digits ($150 per thousand is a decent number).
  4. SAMPLES: These give you an upfront look into what your competitors and core continuation lists are mailing. When organizations approach you for a list rental, they have to submit a mail sample, which is a great way to get insight into their acquisition program. A sample tells you at least three things:
    • What their control or test packages look like;
    • What their potential donors respond to;
    • What they are doing or testing that you may not be.
  5. TEST IDEAS: When new mailers within your core market ask to rent your list, it opens up the door to new test ideas. Out-of-market mailers using your file continuously could be a sign that you could test into that arena. For example, if The New Yorker keeps renting your file, take a look at their file and see if they have selects available for an intelligent test.
  6. YOU HAVE CONTROL: Don’t forget—you are in control! You decide who, when and how. No mailer can use your list without your approval. You have the ability to block dates, say no to packages that look too similar to your own, and deny requests all together. The power is in your hands.
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