This Week on Twitter – Twitter Highlights From This Week That You Don’t Want to Miss! 01/29/2011 "Need to Know" for Jewish non-profits, Fun, This Week on Twiiter
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I just got inspired by 37signals and their SVN blog posts in which they highlight the previous week’s tweets.

The Jewish Donor Blog is pleased to introduce our all new,  bi-weekly (or so) segment where we pick out and share with you the recent highlights from Twitter!!

Sound fun?  Well let’s give this a go and see what happens.

Please leave your comments on this post throughout the week with your favorite recent tweets for a chance to get them published in the Jewish Donor Blog’s next edition of “This week on Twitter”!

This week  my favorite tweets (in no particular order) are:

slerner Shimon Lerner  the world around us is erupting and I honestly don’t know if I should be: hopeful, scared, relieved or panicking
SpittyP Spencer CC Paysinger
“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere” #VanWilder who knew this movie gave advice.
questlove Questo of The Roots
lol “71% of americans weren’t alive during Sputnik and might mistake it for jewish soul food” the cbs analysts

jasonfried Jason Fried
“There is no wealth like health.” -Jack Lalanne

FrankConniff Frank Conniff
I’m curious about Larry Page, the new Google CEO. If only there were some quick way to search for information about him.
yoavkaufman Yoav Kaufman
“The mark of a great civilization is the willingness of its citizens to obey the unenforceable.” – Denny Hatch
Check back soon for more of our favorite tweets in the coming weeks.
Plus, make sure you don’t miss out on any of our latest tweets.  Be sure you follow us all on Twitter at:

