

Focus on the Negev: The New Arava Solar Field 06/05/2011

One thing we have plenty of in the Negev almost all year round is sunshine.  That and a pioneering spirit for ingenuity. Today The Arava Power Co., an Israeli renewable-energy developer, completed its first solar…

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Meanwhile, In Beersheva… 05/05/2011

  Ben-Gurion University researcher Alberto Bilenca, Ph.D., has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  Dr. Bilenca has developed a fast, low-cost device to accurately diagnose malaria in the field without having to draw…

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Goings On About Town 01/05/2011

If it works as a column for The New Yorker, it can work for Negev Direct and Beersheva. So here’s something that happened today, both in and near Beersheva. Ben Gurion University is located…

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Why Our Camel Wears a Hat 08/06/2010

It’s a balmy 42 degrees C in Beersheva today. That’s 107.6 degrees F, but who’s counting. David

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Negev Direct: Battle Tested & Ready 07/19/2010

Some of you may remember the situation in December 2008 through January 2009 when Beersheva and most of the south of Israel was under rocket bombardment from Gaza. Negev Direct stayed open the entire…

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Purim Fun In Beersheva 02/28/2010

It’s Purim 5770 today in Beersheva as it is in most all of Israel and the Diaspora.  In honor of the topsy-turvy nature of the holiday: remembering a serious crisis in Jewish history while…

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