I was talking with a co-worker the other day about how Hadassah has been in the news lately… and it hasn’t all been good news.
A former Hadassah CFO claimed that she was sleeping around with Bernie Madoff.
At the same time Hadassah might have to give back some or all of the money it had earned while it was invested with Madoff. That could potentially be in the millions of dollars range.
Also, Hadassah funding to CYJ West has been cut completely and that camp, that has been the summer home to thousands of young West Coast Jewish kids including myself, is on the verge of shutting down.
The bad news doesn’t seem to stop.
I think Hadassah, especially now, needs to really look deep and ask themselves why they exist.
If they exist in part to help fund summer camps that instill a sense of Zionism and Judaism in kids and fund Jewish health related causes, then are they really doing everything in their power to continue that mission?
Is there another organization that has a similar mission that they could partner with?
If they are cutting funding to camps, but continue to reside in a high priced New York city building while paying hundreds of salaries, you have to ask: are they are well managed?
I think there is a lot of redundancy in the world of Jewish non-profits today. Do most people know the difference between the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee? What about BBYO and B’nai B’rith?
I think Hadassah is starting to look like it may fall into this redundant category.
What’s the difference between Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women or ZOA or WJCF? Can the average person tell the difference?
If paying a staff of hundreds and residing in a high priced building is more important than funding camps and hosiptals, then maybe the Hadassah mission statement should be more like:
We exist solely to exist.
That also raises the question of: If most people don’t know your primary mission, especially people who have been involved in your programs for years, you better find a better way to educate those people that have taken the time to care about you.
Why does your organization exsist?