Jews Rule! 11/20/2008 "Need to Know" for Jewish non-profits
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Not only has Congressman Rahm Emanuel been appointed as President-Elect Obama’s Chief of Staff, but a record number of Jews have been elected to Congress. The story fromThe Forward:

Record Number of Jews slated for next U.S. Congress
By Brett Lieberman and Rebecca Spence, The Forward

When the new Congress debuts in January 2009, a record 45 Jews will take the oath of office: 32 in the House of Representatives and – regardless of the outcome in the still-contested Minnesota election – 13 Jews in the Senate.

Among the three newcomers to the House are a young, gay, multimillionaire entrepreneur; a seasoned veteran of New Jersey’s rough-and-tumble politics, and a wealthy attorney who poured $2 million of his own money into a raucous campaign that now gives him the right to say he represents Mickey Mouse.

In all seriousness, this new milestone illustrates the mainstreaming of the Jewish community into American life.
What are the implications for direct mail fundraising? We would love to hear your comments.

