How Many Hours Does Social Media Take? 11/25/2008 web 2.0
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A recent study by The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Center for Marketing Research showed that:

“Seventy-five percent of the charitable organizations studied are using some form of social media including blogs, podcast  message boards, social networking, video blogging and wikis. More than a third of the organizations are blogging. Forty-six percent of those studied report social media is very important to their fundraising strategy.”

You can read more on the study here.

So an important question you might be asking yourself is: “with all these options in the world of social media, where is it best that I concentrate my time and efforts?

To help you decide here’s a great chart from Beth Cantor’s blog that does a super job of visualizing the time commitment needed for non-profits to effectively use various sources of social media.

Note: Facebook grabs the honor of being one of the most time consuming social media tools on the market today.

source: Beth Kanter, How Much Time Does It Take To Do Social Media?


