“Need to Know” for Jewish non-profits


Martin Kace – Guru Entrepreneur interviews with Leadel.NET

yoav@negevdirect.com 07/25/2010

Source: LeadelNet YouTube Channel An entrepreneur’s take on where non-profits and Israel as a brand are now, where their headed and how to improve on them. “Troubles within non-profit communication, while a trending topic, is not…

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Negev Direct: Battle Tested & Ready

yoav@negevdirect.com 07/19/2010

Some of you may remember the situation in December 2008 through January 2009 when Beersheva and most of the south of Israel was under rocket bombardment from Gaza. Negev Direct stayed open the entire…

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Memorial Day 2010

yoav@negevdirect.com 05/26/2010

For many, it’s simply the beginning of summer. But for the members of  the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America Memorial Day is a time to remember and commemorate the military service,…

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The Cleantech Group on Israel

yoav@negevdirect.com 05/03/2010

Your’re probably asking yourself just what the Cleantech Group does. So we’ll let them tell you in their own words: Since 2002, the Cleantech Group has been providing investors, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 1000 global…

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AJC & AJC To Merge and Form New AJC?

yoav@negevdirect.com 04/26/2010

  I’ve had a standing offer open for the past 15 years. If anyone can cogently explain the difference between the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress I will donate $100 to any…

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Rating the Charities

yoav@negevdirect.com 04/07/2010

There are several charity rating agencies on the web, the best-known and largest being Charity Navigator. CN looks at a lot of financial data and then rates 5,500 agencies using a 0-4 star system.…

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