

ABOVE AND BEYOND: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force 08/20/2013

“The Machal forces were the Diaspora’s most important contribution to the survival of the State of Israel.” – David Ben-Gurion Sample Reel for ‘Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force’ –…

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Bibi Standing up to Some Chutzpah 08/01/2013

We usually shy away from politics here on the blog, but this video was too good to pass up on. Kudos to Bibi for standing up to lies and really just immense chutzpah!

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Life Moves Fast. Too Fast Sometimes. 07/25/2013

I was thinking a lot today about slowing down everything we do in our lives.  We live in such a fast paced environment which can lead to accidents, unfinished products, ideas that are not…

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NIS 500 million plan to develop Negev 07/15/2013

This is another big step ahead for the Negev! Beersheva has really changed for the better even in just the 8 or so years I’ve been here. The brand new Science Museum just opened…

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