Business Strategy


The Cleantech Group on Israel 05/03/2010

Your’re probably asking yourself just what the Cleantech Group does. So we’ll let them tell you in their own words: Since 2002, the Cleantech Group has been providing investors, entrepreneurs, and Fortune 1000 global…

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AJC & AJC To Merge and Form New AJC? 04/26/2010

  I’ve had a standing offer open for the past 15 years. If anyone can cogently explain the difference between the American Jewish Committee and the American Jewish Congress I will donate $100 to any…

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Bad Marketing 04/06/2010

We’ve all seen it. But every once in a while a particularly egregious example crosses our desk. So let’s learn a lesson from someone else’s mistake. Let’s say that you are about to launch…

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Your Organization’s Spokesperson 03/17/2010

Who represents your organization to the public? You can hire a spokesperson. I hear that Tiger Woods has more free time lately. Or you can invent a persona: Betty Crocker and The Man in…

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Negev Direct Acquires M2J 03/02/2010

Negev Direct Marketing recently acquired the Jewish direct marketing company The acquisition enables Negev Direct Marketing to add to our portfolio even more targeted Jewish email and postal lists to help make your…

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Meetings 02/17/2010

You could sit in meetings all day or you could get some actual work done. Unfortunately we know way to many Jewish non-profits that prefer to sit in meetings all day instead of actually…

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What’s Your Higher Purpose? 02/16/2010

Profit and or donations are a necessary outcome, but how you get those dollars could be the difference between success and failure. Are you building trust in your community, with your donors and with…

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Seth Godin: Quieting the Lizard Brain 01/28/2010

We love Seth Godin. This video is about the push and pull involved in starting something important and finishing it. The bit on the lizard brain starts at the 10:00 minute mark.

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Snail Mail – Not Dead Yet 01/21/2010

At least according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal. They call it Snail Mail in the article, a term that I have come to loathe, but am willing to overlook when…

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