Untouched by Man. Until You Think It.

yoav@negevdirect.com 04/16/2008 Fundraising Strategy
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What’s remarkable about your product, or your organization, or for that matter, you?

If you don’t think that it’s worth the effort to find out, this story may change your mind.

In the March 31st issue of the New Yorker there is a long profile of Lynda Resnick, termed The Pomegranate Princessâ because of her stewardship of the POM Wonderful Company; the people who are turning pomegranate juice into a new health drink craze.

But that’s another story.

This story is about another company that Lynda and her husband own: Fiji Water.

Itâ’s just bottled water. True it is from Fiji, but it’s still water in a bottle. Nothing special.

But Lynda was able to find something remarkable about Fiji Water that the previous owners didn’t think was even important.

Fiji Water comes from an underground aquifer on the Island of Viti Levu. And it goes straight from the aquifer to the bottle without any contact with the air, other water or additives.

Lynda thought that this was the remarkable quality of the product. Or in her own words, Thats huge!.

And it was.

Lynda’s team changed the label from an image of a waterfall (œsurface water, yuck) to a picture of tropical flower and palm fronds. The slogan was changed from the banal Taste of Paradise to the more provocative Untouched by man. Until you drink it.

Since the makeover sales have increased by 300%.

What’s remarkable about your product?


