The year 5780 is Almost Upon Us
Negev Direct wishes you a Shana Tova U’Mitukah. May you have a gamar chatimah tovah and be inscribed in the book of life. Rosh Hashanah is the birthday of the universe, and it’s celebrated…
Read moreHelp a Child Beat Cancer & See Her 1st Birthday
“10-month-old Nastia Leakhovich of Ukraine was diagnosed with cancer 5 months ago. In an effort to save her life, her parents brought her to Israel for medical treatment. The doctors believe they can save…
Read moreShana Tova U’mitukah!
My personal apology for the lack of recent posts, we’ve simply been super busy right before the Chagim with our primary jobs here at Negev Direct Marketing. Please take a moment to watch this…
Read moreGmar Chatimah Tova From The Jewish Donor Blog
Literally: A good final sealing Idiomatically: May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for Good “Gmar” comes from the root word that means to finish. Although it’s not biblical, it appears quite…
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