“Here are some of the organizations accepting donations”:
- Convoy of Hope. The organization’s disaster response team is currently working with in-country partners affected by the damage to identify those needs that Convoy can satisfy most effectively. Text TSUNAMI to 50555 to donate $10 to Convoy or visit the Convoy website to donate.
- American Red Cross. You can donate $10 to support Red Cross earthquake relief efforts byvisiting the Red Cross website or texting REDCROSS to 90999.
- International Medical Corps. The medical relief group is also coordinating its efforts to send medical aid teams to affected areas with partner organizations in Japan. Text MED to 80888 to donate $10 to the IMC or donate online.
- Save the Children is accepting donations to its Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund. “We are extremely concerned for the welfare of children and their families who have been affected by the disaster. We stand ready to meet the needs of children who are always the most vulnerable in a disaster,” the organization says in a statement on its donation website.
- has created a Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund that will distribute money to several organizations working to provide assistance to stricken areas in Japan.
- World Vision is addding Japanese earthquake and tsunami aid for children to its already lengthy list of projects supported by its Disaster Response Fund.
- Shelterbox, a relief organization based in the UK with 18 international affiliates, is mobilizing to deliver its emergency-shelter-in-a-box kits to areas hit by the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan. You can donate any amount towards the cost of a box ($1,000 covers the entire cost of one box) at its website. (This link takes you to the USA affiliate site; to reach affiliate sites in other countries, use this link.)
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How you can help Japan earthquake relief, right now